Thursday, March 19, 2009

Asthma Natural Remedies

"Asthma occurs when the main air passages of your lungs, the bronchial tubes, become inflamed. The muscles of the bronchial walls tighten, and cells in the lungs produce extra mucus further narrowing your airways. This can cause minor wheezing to severe difficulty in breathing. In some cases, your breathing may be so labored that an asthma attack becomes life-threatening.

Asthma is a chronic but treatable condition. You can manage your condition much like someone manages diabetes or heart disease. You and your doctor can work together to control asthma, reduce the severity and frequency of attacks and help maintain a normal, active life."

Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been a remedy that many have grown up with and it still works today without all the side effects that toxic drugs tend to have.

Those with acid reflux, asthma, shortness of breath, sinus problems, and sore throats have used the following mixture and seen vast results. If you are on medications for these symptoms please follow up with your physician as most people have been able to be taken off their inhalers, etc or at least reduced.

1-2 Tablespoons Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
1-2 Tablespoons Raw, Unpasteurized Honey
* best if made within a 50 mile radius of where you live. (There are many different varieties of honey so try different ones to see which works best for you. It varies per person and physical location.)

6 oz Water (or Juice if you just can’t stand the flavor)
Drink this mixture 2 – 4 times per day based on what your personal situation is and what works best for you.

There have been reports of heartburn after the initial serving however that resided after that;reports of weight loss; reports of loose bowels. Some rode the loose bowel detoxification effect out and others cut back on the serving and then built up to the initial intake and the bowel issue was reported to resolve.

1 comment:

Texas Slowpoke said...


Do you know what time does the hunt starts tomorrow? Lost my yellow sheet. :)