Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sciatica – Back & Leg pain

Created to Serve,

Michelle Wendt

If you are interested in ordering any Young Living product, please contact me:
Associate #1072606
Click Here to Order Now

Herniated disc
Author: T Raymond Location: Woodbury, MN, United States
Skills: Esthetician

My husband had a herniated disc that put pressure on his sciatic nerve and was in excruciating pain, barely able to move. I applied Valor to his sciatic nerve and the heels of his feet and then PanAway down his leg. He showed improvement the first day, by day two he felt 50% improvement and day three 80% improvement and functioning almost back to normal!


My friend's hip and leg discomfort
Author: M Saxton Location: Grand Rapids, MI, United States

My friend has had strong sciatic pain in her right hip and leg for 14 years. She used Idaho Balsam Fir and PanAway on the pain site and down the leg, and has been pain-free to fall asleep each night.


Sciatic pain relieved
Author: J Shorland Location: Craik, Saskatchewan, Canada
Skills: Reflexologist

A client came to me with severe sciatic pain in his hip and radiating down his leg. During a reflexology treatment I applied Valor to his feet, and Relieve It to his leg. Marjoram went on location of pain on his back. He then walked backwards. There was immediate relief.


Sciatic nerve discomfort and a Raindrop Session

Author: R Watson Location: Atlantic, IA, United States
Skills: Raindrop Technique

I have an older woman friend that has me do Raindrop on her each week. She says it takes away most of her pain, so she is able to take care of the rest of the pain each morning with an Anacin.

Prior to trying Raindrop, she had tremendous pain that kept her on the inactive list. Now she is able to go to work and socialize as she wishes.


Relief from sciatic

Author: J Cosgriff Location: Henrietta, NY, United States

I have been dealing with painful shooting leg pain down my leg, knee, calf and into my foot. I have stenosis in by back and as a result the sciatic nerve can be very painful.

I have been using 2-3 drop each of Frankincense and Palo Santo and rubbing it on my lower back. What fabulous relief!


Lower back pain and sciatic pain
Author: C Perry Location: Farmington Hills, MI, United States
Skills: Esthetician

I have had sciatic pain for many years. Mostly on and off and I have even been to physical therapy for it. It never has seemed to go away and if it did it would always come back. Well about a week ago it started up again. It can get so bad sometimes it is hard to walk. OUT COME THE OILS! I looked in my essential oils quick reference guide to see what it said and I kind of did a combo of things.

First I used 2 drops of Panaway and rubbed it on my shoulders, rubbing it in one direction. (I did it to my right) Then I used 2 more drops of Panaway on my lower back and rubbed it up my spine. Then I used 2 drops of Valor on my lower back and concentrated on the painful area. I then used two more drops on the top and bottom of my feet. I then layered 2 drops of Peppermint on top to increase circulation and to drive the other oils deeper into the tissue.

I am happy to say I have NEVER had this kind of relief from my pain! God is good! After just two minutes I felt relief and have had relief since. If the pain does come back I know what oils I will be using!


Sciatica down the back of my right leg
Author: K Foster Location: Trevor, WI, United States

I have had severe pain shooting down the back of my right leg due to pressure on my sciatic nerve. I looked up sciatica on the vita flex chart. I put two drops of Valor on both heels and used pressure. I instantly felt relief. It came back later that night. I did it again and it worked again! Try it, it really works!!


Raindrop for sciatic nerve problems

Author: C Merritt Location: Simi Valley, CA, United States

I had lower back pain & pain down my right leg getting progressively worse over a period of six months. Couldn't walk, stand, sit, sleep without strong meds. I had a MRI and the Dr said the disk between my 4th & 5th lumbar was inflamed & scheduled me to have cortisone injections under x-ray & under anesthetic. I decided to see if raindrop treatment would help ~ couldn't hurt. Wow it did help! Two treatments & I felt 40 percent better & two more treatments & felt 80 percent better. I canceled my epidural & have a raindrop about once a month for maintenance. It has also helped my rheumatoid arthritis.


My experience healing sciatica
Author: F Bailey Location: San Francisco, CA, United States
Skills: Frequency Energy

I am a certified Quantum-Touch Practitioner, I particularly started using the oils during a huge injury in both of my sciatic nerves. To make it very short I spent over 4 months unable to walk, and after that period my movements were completely out of balance, very slow, big pain. I went to see many different conventional doctors, and, they just helped a little. In my despair, my Cousin Claudia drove almost every day for over two weeks from San Rafael to San Francisco with her oils and she applied them on me. With the oils I started feeling relief (Pan-away, Rosemary, Ginger, Peppermint) and I noticed a big change in my mood too. Today, I am able to even run if I want to.


Had Sciatica for nearly 20 years
Author: J Close Location: Jackson, MO, United States
Skills: Raindrop Technique

I had sciatica for almost 20 years and was told I would just have to learn to live with the excruciating pain that accompanies this physical challenge. My sciatica has been eliminated by using Cistus, Peppermint, Valor and Pan Away.

That does not preclude or diminish the benefits of seeing a good Chiropractor and a good massage therapist, or getting help from Raindrop Technique. But when I needed immediate relief in order to be mobile enough to make use of that help, I had to do something to reduce the pain, and these oils were miracles for me.

I used to go to a Chiropractor 2-3 times a week. I did that for many years. There were times when I had to go in a wheelchair. There were times when it took me 10 minutes to get from my car to the waiting room, even with the aid of my husband. None of that changed until I started using Young Living's oils. Now I see the Chiropractor once every couple of months.

I haven't had sciatic problems for years. Pain free mobility was restored through God's grace manifest in these wonderful oils. I was an adamant skeptic, but I gave the oils a chance and they proved themselves. I know the oils work.

May you also experience the miracle of healing they offer and get started on your return to perfect health, which God intended for each of us from the beginning of creation.

Created to Serve,

Michelle Wendt

If you are interested in ordering any Young Living product, please contact me:
Associate #1072606
Click Here to Order Now

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