Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Bioscan Results

I so enjoy how my bioscan report always affirms what is going on in my life emotionally, spiritually and physically.  It's a great affirmation of the areas I was already focusing on in my life.

Every bioscan gets a print out with more detailed info; however, here's my graphic with today's emotional/spiritual aspects of the different essential oils.  I really enjoy how each day I learn more about the oils whether its in how it supports health in the physical body, how it assists with the emotional health or helps assist to reach higher spiritual levels.

Some times it helps me focus to be able to switch my perspective of the current circumstances in my life from the world's negative view to Christ's positive aspect aspect of how I am being expanded, stretched and grown ... which always makes it easier to focus and get through the challenge when I have a clear focus/purpose.

In case the graphic is to small, here's my summarized results:

PD 80/20 - Supports my endocrine (I'm constantly maxing that out!), cardiovascular & immune system.

Clary Sage - Helps turn intolerance into reasonable.

Roman Chamomille - Helps turn petrified to harmony.  Helps turn unwelcomed to purposed.

Cedarwood - Helps turn conceit to meekness.

Heading to Michigan this weekend to help a team member with some oil training and a scan and sniff party.  Going to be such fun.

Get in touch if you want to schedule your own personal Bioscan or to host a "Scan and Sniff" Party.   You can use the contact me form at the tab at the top of the page or email me direct at

Have a wonderfully blessed day!
Using Ancient Wisdom in Today's times to stand the gap from where we ARE to where we Want To BE,


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