Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Diffuse and reap the benefits!

Read this during my research time today:

A university in Japan experimented with diffusing different oils in the office. When they diffused lemon, there were 54% fewer errors, with jasmine there were 33% fewer errors, and with lavender there were 20% fewer errors. When oils were diffused while studying and taking a test, test scores increased by as much as 50%.  Hmm ... maybe that's partly why I like diffusing Lemon at home? And here I thought it was for the clean fresh scent.

Diffusing an essential oil while studying may also improve memory while taking a test.  By inhaling the same aroma, the smell of the oil may encourage recall of facts or figures learned previously by bringing back the memory of what was studied. I've pretty much heard this most of my life.  (In high school and college I may have used this statement for an excuse to get by with no sleep and lots of caffeine ... or well, ... )  In some of my training and certification classes we have put this theory to the test and I can say, after all my years of avoiding taking chemistry ... Essential Oil Chemistry is one of my favorite certification classes I have gotten to take.  Who knew! Not me obviously.

I always recommend when starting with an oil for a challenge, if a person is not lead to a specific oil, then start with the more inexpensive ones and go from there. In the study above, the oils go from lemon to lavender to jasmine in cost; however the best results were seen with the most inexpensive oil.

So ... don't just pick an oil because it costs more ... choose an oil because you are drawn to it or from your research of the oil. With essential oils,  they each have a specific purpose (Best use scenario then where they are optimal), they can serve the purpose of many areas and they are at your command to use as need.  The cost reflects the process in growing, harvesting and obtaining the essential oil in its optimum state.

It's kind of like each one of us ... we each are gifted and outstanding in an area, can do an okay job in general areas getting by and in an area out of our knowledge and experience,  if someone is telling us how to do the specifics,  we can do it. (Just wouldn't want to put this in to practice with anything major like putting a basement under an existing home unless absolutely have to, at which time one might be really good at it because you would be listening closely and performing exactly what you are told to do. Hmm, ponder thought there.  Might want to try it on someone else's home first ... just kidding!) We shine best in our calling and gifting but are still usable in other ways.

So, get your diffuser ... or go order one from ... and start diffusing to launch you into higher levels of your designed greatness ... or diffuse lemon and make less errors while walking out your greatness!  Just get diffusing ... it helps and supports more than you probably know in your life!

Feel free to comment below with what you're diffusing right now or what your favorites are to diffuse!  We love to hear from you!

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