Wednesday, September 22, 2010


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Sinusitis is no more
Author: Elisabeth Duernkrut, Austria

I had sinusitis two month ago. Moving my head was painful. So I tried Thieves Spray directly in my nose. It really burned!! (WARNING: Thieves is a “hot” oil so recommend diluting for sensitive areas)

My nose and sinus felt anesthetized, but I felt better. I did the same procedure again in the afternoon, and the next day when I blew my nose several times everything came down and my sinusitis was gone!

Sinusitis disappeared when using lavender
Author: Nancy Glencoe, MO, United States

Since beginning to use the Young Living Essential Oils my husband had a surprise result when using Lavender. He was taking a drop on his tongue for high blood pressure, it helped with that, but the surprise result was an almost complete end to chronic sinusitis. This has plagued him for many years. He uses the Lavender a couple times a day by mouth and feels that this works best for him.

Chronic sinusitis
Author: Michel Fairchild, WI, United States

I have suffered from chronic sinusitis & sinus infections for over 30 years. I have recently started taking 3 drops of Thieves in a capsule twice a day, and I have been breathing freely every day for the last week. I am off the decongestants, off the allergy pills, and have stopped snoring.

Thieves and chronic sinusitis
Author: Sonya Des Moines, IA, United States

Every year as winter approaches, we all dread the visitors that come into our home...sniffles, cough, stuffy nose, sneezes, watery eyes, and sinusitis...bleck!

This year we have been putting Thieves on ourselves and our children regularly, especially before going out among a lot of people. We just put a drop on each foot and behind the bottom part of the ears.

So far this winter we have had no colds, runny noses, sinusitis', coughs etc. When we do sense one is coming on, we just increase the number of times we apply Thieves and whatever cold it is appears to go away.

We were even doing childcare one day where we were holding and loving on many babies who had the runny noses and little coughs. It used to be that I would always get sick after such exposure. This time we applied Thieves before we left our home... and no sign of even a swollen gland or a sniffle. It was wonderful.

It is so freeing not to walk in fear of getting sick every time we go out among people.

Chronic sinusitis
Author: Nada Highland Beach, FL, United States
Skills: Nurse

My friend Bill told me that he has chronic sinusitis and went for an invasive procedure to open up his sinuses twice and is still having the same issues. He asked his doctor why this condition keeps on reoccurring and the doctor told him that he probably has some fungus in his sinuses which is very difficult to get rid of. Every time this happens he has to take some serious antibiotics which seems to help for a protracted period of time and than reoccurs.

I gave him my Deep Relief roll-on to try and possibly get some relief. I also gave him some Inner Defense to take with him and try to use it. He agreed. Only minutes after applying the Deep Relief Bill made a statement that he felt relief from sinus pressure and was very excited about that. About a month or so later he called me with exciting news. 'Just came back from my doctor. Got all the test results back and I am infection free for the first time in several years! We are going to start taking Ninxga Red every day as well.'

Bill made some dietary adjustments as well and is doing fabulous. All of his friends want to know what is it that he is doing and that has changed his health condition for the better. Good job Bill and keep on going!

Peppermint for sinus problems
Author: Becky East Liverpool, OH, United States
Skills: Nurse

I have had sinus problems for 25 years. Recently (in the past 7 years) it would include the point of developing sinusitis and occasionally bronchitis also. Once this would happen that would mean at least 10 days of antibiotics (because as an RN, I always take care of myself last and let things get further than they should), and at least a decongestant perhaps even nasal sprays and a 'puffer' for bronchodilation. The last bout of sinusitis and bronchitis has been the month that I started on the oils (last November). At that time it only took two-three days to get rid of my symptoms and I used Peppermint, RC, lavender and Thieves also.

Better yet, I have continued to take one drop of peppermint (by licking it off the back of my hand) in the morning and at night, during the worst seasonal times for me, and I have not had a day of congestion yet that would stop me from doing anything. During times that are not bad, I do not need to take it.

Pain + Depression +Sinusitis + Enlarged Prostate
Author: Lyn Canberra, ACT, Australia
Skills: Nurse

My whole life as changed due to using young living oils, so its hard to write a short testimonial. I have given up all regular pain medication. I use Panaway + Deep Relief + Valor + Copaiba + Aroma seize for pain I feel that I have had a great deal of healing over the last 12 months or so and do not need the oils as much. All of these oils have helped my feeling of well being and I had to have cut my antidepressants in half because they were too strong for me.

I love all the oils , but I think Frankincense has helped my feeling of wellbeing the best. I had success with Forgiveness and White Angelica too. I pray as I use the oils and give all the glory to Jesus and his bountiful provision and blessings. I also use Lavender + Tranquil Roll On to go to sleep. I use Energee oil blend to get me moving some days.

We [My Husband and I] infuse Eucalyptus Melaleuca + Thieves + other blends and have stopped using our cortisone nasal sprays. Also we use oils instead of Chemical cleaners. We put Melrose oil on a cotton wool swab and put it in the vent in the car. I trust these oils and have confidence in them.

I thank Garry Young for developing the oils and I am thankful to my friend for introducing me to them.

My husband Garry has had success with M-grain, Helichrysum, Mister, Peppermint, Panaway, Valor + Deep Relief Roll on and has his own supply of oils. We both take Valor and deep relief roll ons with us to work. We both love Sandalwood and use some of the blends regularly. If I had done some testimonials earlier this would not be so long.

Please forgive the spelling.

Clearing nasal passages
Author: Lacey Cleveland, OH, United States

Using a Netti Pot or nasal irrigation system is an excellent way to keep the sinuses clear of bacteria and other debris. To make using a netti pot even more effective, I combine 10 drops of rosemary essential oil and 6 drops of tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) in 8 tablespoons of noniodized, medical grade salt. I combine it and store it in a sealed container. Then, whenever I use my Netti Pot, I put a scoop of the salt mixture in my water and the oils flow into my nasal passages where they can fight infection and keep everything clean. I can breathe so well afterward!

The many uses of wintergreen and peppermint
Author: Nate Saint Paul, MN, United States

I have been having some deep soreness in my knees lately, especially when I am hiking down hills. This has grown bothersome, so I have started to work on it with my oils. When it is really sore, I take 4-5 drops of wintergreen, 4-5 drops of peppermint and rub it all over my knee. The pain relief kicks in within several minutes, and lasts for hours and hours.

Wintergreen is amazing for sore joints and muscles. Along with its analgesic effects, Wintergreen also has anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antitussive, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactagogue and stimulant properties. Wintergreen is often included in formulas to open the breathing passages; deep inhalation of its bright aroma can clear the sinuses and stimulate the mind. Wintergreen blends nicely with Ravensara and/or Eucalyptus for this effect.

The health benefits of peppermint oil include the following:

Indigestion: Peppermint oil is very helpful in digestion. Often people put a few drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water and drink it after their meal due to its digestive properties. It is carminative and therefore helps in removing gas. Peppermint oil is a good tonic for those who have a low appetite. It also helps during motion sickness and upset stomach. Preliminary research has proved that peppermint oil in the combination of caraway oil can be used for treating heartburns.

Dental Care: Peppermint oil, due to its antiseptic properties, is useful for dental care. It removes bad breath and helps teeth and gums deal with germs. No wonder, it is added in numerous toothpastes. It is also useful for treating toothaches.

Respiratory Problems: Menthol, which is present in abundance in peppermint oil, helps in clearing the respiratory tract. It is an effective expectorant and therefore provides instantaneous, though temporary, relief in numerous respiratory problems including nasal congestion, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, cold and cough. As a result, it is used in numerous cold rubs. When these cold rubs are rubbed on the chest, they remove nasal and respiratory congestion immediately.

Nausea and Headache: Peppermint oil is a good home remedy for nausea and headache. Applying peppermint oil in diluted form on the forehead is known to remove headache.

Stress: Like most other essential oils, peppermint is able to provide relief from stress, depression and mental exhaustion due to its refreshing nature. It is also effective against anxiety and restlessness.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The muscle relaxing property of peppermint oil has been found to ease irritable bowel syndrome. This has been validated through preliminary scientific research though the exact mechanism is still unknown.

Antispasmodic: Peppermint oil is very effective for gastroscopy, colonoscopy and during double-contrast barium enema. It is applied intraluminally. Further benefits of peppermint oil due to its antispasmodic properties are being studied.

Urinary Tract Infection: Peppermint oil can be used for treating urinary tract infection (UTI). However, thorough scientific studies are yet to be conducted to confirm this.

Pain Relief: Peppermint oil can be used externally for providing relief from pain. It is believed that the presence of calcium antagonism in peppermint oil aids in removing pain. It is cooling in nature and therefore helps reduce fever.

Immune System: Peppermint oil increases your immunity to diseases and therefore helps you in preventing a number of diseases.

Blood Circulation: It also improves blood circulation.

Hair Care: Peppermint oil is very useful for hair care as it gives a cooling effect to the head, and removes dandruff and lice.

Skin Care: Peppermint oil contains Menthol, which is good for skin. It gives a cooling effect. Further it nourishes dull skin and improves oily skin.

It is further believed that peppermint oil is useful for treating cancer and tuberculosis. I am SO thankful for Young Living oils!

If you are interested in ordering any Young Living product, please contact us:
Associate #1072606
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