Monday, September 20, 2010

More Natural Remedies for Acne

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Rosewood helps clear acne

Author: Jennifer
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, United States

I picked Rosewood oil because of it's many properties to kill bacteria and fungus. I use it by mixing two drops with the V-6 mixing oil. Then I smooth it on my face before bed. My skin is healthy and beautiful when I wake up. It helped clear up my acne.

My acne lesson
Author: Thomas
Location: Wadena, MN, United States

About a year and a half ago, I started developing bad acne on my face. I had this problem through out all of my tenth grade year, and I had tried almost every acne face wash I could get my hands on and washed my face twice a day: once in the morning and once at night.

I drank 2-3 bottles of water a day, and started eliminating sugary foods which made me feel healthier and cleared my acne only a little bit. I went tanning frequently because it seemed to clear up my face a little, but this only helped my acne temporarily until I would break out again after about 2 days following each tan session (which isn’t a healthy habit to start in the first place).

When May of last year came around, I had been so sick and tired of trying to treat my acne that I made an appointment with my doctor to get help with my embarrassing acne. He gave me a prescription of antibiotics and a gel to apply topically to pimples. I took my daily doses for the whole month of June and got very unsuccessful results, and the antibiotics took a toll on my body.

In July 2009, I decided to fight my acne the more natural way through the Young Living Essential Oils my dad had been pushing on me this whole time but, I’d been too stubborn to try. First, I asked my dad who is a CNHP to use his Zyto bio-survey technology on me. We then looked at the oils that it suggested for me to take, and one of them was SclarEssence which would help with hormonal imbalances (the root of my problem).

After receiving the oil in the mail, I started putting the oil on my ankles every night before I went to bed. At the same time, I started using an acne system I bought at Wal-Mart that was a knock-off of Pro-Active. Soon after I started using that and the SclarEssence, my face started to clear up within about two weeks. This had been the best my skin had looked in a while, even though I still had a few breakouts. Although, after using the Acne Free system, I noticed that all of our washcloths were getting bleached from the chemicals used in it. So basically, I had been bleaching my face as well which was drying out my skin tremendously.

This past November I started noticing that my face had been itching more than ever and my eyes were getting puffy at night. Eventually, my eyes were swollen shut one morning after using Acne Free, and I decided to stop using it for good! It took a week or two to get moisture back in my skin and reduce the puffiness on my eyes. After throwing it away, I started to use SclarEssence (the oil I had been using since July) in the mornings as well as nights, and my acne cleared up even more. Now I realize that it was the oils that cleared up my acne which also fixed the root problem of it all: a hormone imbalance. Going the natural way with the amazing Young Living Oils was the only way that worked for me, and I wish I could’ve figured that out earlier.

Lavender for skin care
Author: KC
Location: WA, WA, Australia

I was reading on how lavender was universally effective in helping ailments. One of the common things, I read about was skincare. So I dabbed some on an affected boiled acne and the next day waking up - I found my acne shrunk to a small dot and the oil inside was hardened. I find it astounding, it worked faster than putting my Miracle neutralizer gel on (takes almost a week to get the pimple to shrink to a small dot.

Lavender works great on acne

Author: Jane
Location: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Skills: Nurse

Our son had acne quite extensively all over his face and neck, as well as a lot of scarring. He used applied Lavender neat, twice a day on his face and even the scars cleared up, leaving his face looking great. He wasn't worried about his neck, and you can see exactly how far he went with the Lavender.

Roman Chamomile and geranium for skin breakouts
Author: Aaron
Location: San Diego, CA, United States
Skills: Kinesiologist

Several years ago I had developed cystic acne during a very stressful time of my life. 4-5 years have passed and I've had very little trouble with my skin. However, I was using a skin care line that, while helping the situation, ended up being full of chemicals that I did not want on my skin so I stopped using it.

I was also pregnant at the time and after stopping the skin care line my skin immediately started to break out and was showing small signs of the cystic acne again. I read in one of the oil books we have that Roman Chamomile and Geranium were good for the skin so I started to apply them (alternating each night) before bed. Immediately my skin cleared up, not only the blemishes, but my skin tone greatly improved and became soft and smooth.

Acne blemishes and Menstrual pain

Author: Lorain
Location: Kailua, HI, United States

I am very happy to have been introduced to Young Living Essential Oils. As many experience, I have two chronic health concerns that go hand in hand, acne and PMS symptoms of all sorts. I struggled to find relief. Since using Ningzia Red the oils - Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender, Joy, Thieves and peppermint - combined with elimination of allergenic foods and chemicals from my daily life, I have in the first fifteen years experienced great relief! Thanks to God's miracles, stewarded to us thru Young Living! Aloha!

Eczema skin abrasions and acne

Author: Angie
Location: Kingwood, TX, United States

1. Eczema- In an update on my daughters is gone. I had mixed 1/2 a cup of olive oil with a few drops of Lavender on the opposite sides of her elbow and backs of her legs. Both sites have healed nicely with minimal discoloration and are smooth and not itchy.

2. Skin Abrasion- Same daughter 'wiped-out' as she calls it on the concrete and skinned her elbow badly on her way to school almost a week ago. When she came home and showed me her elbow I took off the bandage and applied Lavender to the whole area. The pain and stinging went right away (which was a relief to her, because as she bent her elbow it throbbed with pain). The healing process was so much quicker than anything I've ever seen-and with four children who are all tree climbers and very active, I've seen lots of 'Boo Boos'! Today it's been almost a week and the elbow looks so good and the skin is healing nicely. We've been applying the Lavender full strength to it at first a few times a day as needed for pain, and now only once- looks like there won't be any scarring, which is a plus.

3. Skin irritation/acne- OK This one is a personal experience... I did a BIG no no and am paying for it.... my daughter and husband had birthdays this weekend, and I drank a few sodas. I completely break out when I drink soda, and the acne around my chin was so irritated it was horrible and itchy. One place even bled, after the scab came off when I was washing my face with a cloth. I applied Lavender after remembering a testimony here about acne and Lavender and well also thinking about my daughter's success with Lavender. The black scabbed area has gone away within a few hours, I just happened to walk by a mirror and notice. Also, the tenderness of the break-out is almost completely gone and it seems to be went from this morning from bright red and raw looking to now lightly pink and clearing up. Now I applied a few drops night before last, yesterday morning, last night, and now I am doing another application. I wish I would have remembered to take before and after pictures. I'll have to remember it for the future with skin irritations or abrasions.

Adult acne and eczema
Author: Jeanna
Location: Dallas, TX, United States

I recently began using oils upon the suggestion from my spiritual sister. She knew I was having problems with my skin and wanted a natural way to get rid of it. She recommended the oils and I have been able to clear my skin up. I started with just lavender and began reading up on the oils and now use a combination of Purification, Melrose, Gentle Baby and a few others. I made sure the oils I used were both beneficial for the acne and the eczema. I am so glad to know that I have a naturally provision from God. I am completely sold on the oils and share with everyone.

Frankincense, Lavender and Lemon for blemishes
Author: Jacqueline
Location: Highland Park, MI, United States

I am 56 years old and I started getting blemishes at age 14. By the age of 19 had terrible acne scars and large pores. Through the years I've tried just about every thing and only saw just a little improvement. Then a few months ago I started using Frankincense, Lavender and Lemon and the large pores on my face are getting smaller and my complexion has brighten, the dark scars are becoming lighter. After all these years I am now faced with the possibility of an even colored complexion and smooth skin. I'm giving a large shout out to essential oils! Yes!

Menopause and acne

Author: Denise
Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I first visited this site 4 weeks ago and noted that certain essential oils are worth trying on your skin for healing. I started having problems with my skin at age 52, refused HRT as the doc prescribed and have been under the care of a Naturopath since then. I felt there was something else I could do to speed up the healing and found essential oils the key.

Well, I am happy to say that I'm on top of my healing. I began by using a couple of drops of Lavender on my face and particular attention to the infected areas. Then dabbed Bergamot on the infected areas only. I have not had a bad reaction to the skin.

I've been blending as a base and as my moisturizer Apricot oil, rose-hip & calundra. I then add a few drops of Lavender and Bergamot.

Happy healing!

Skin boils and breakouts are a thing of the past
Author: Kimberly
Location: Dana Point, CA, United States

My partner suffers with large breakouts on his back, chest and neck. We're not really sure what they are since they are way too big to be acne. We think they're some type of boil. We tried several oils that weren't really working. Then I stumbled upon the description of oils and their usages in the Bible Kit. The description was in the book the Healing Oils of the Bible. We started putting 1 drop of Galbanum with 3 drops of Cedarwood in about 3 cups of really warm water. Then we use a washcloth to wipe down his back, chest and neck every night before bedtime. Within a couple days all the boils disappeared and no new ones resurfaced. As long as we do this nightly his skin stays soft and smooth and his confidence stays high. It's the first time in many many years he's been without these skin blemishes.

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